いちごさん がフィンランドにリバーサル手術を受けに行くのに合わせて、私からもドクターにいくつかの質問をしてみました。
【Question 1】
I am recovering over a long period of time, with panic symptoms and a feeling of nerve flow. I know almost all Japanese who have took your ets reversal surgery, except a few, but none of them have these feelings.
"Am I the only one doing the desired recovery?", "Am I the only one doing the painful and unfortunate recovery?", "Is this just a neuropathy?", or "Is it due to the difference in the porting source?(I used calf nerve as transpant)"
Answers:I do not think so that you are the only one doing the desired recovery. Of course I really do not know the long term results after the most of the patients. I have changed somewhat my technique when doing ETS reversal: Nowadays I use 3D-camera and I secure both anastomosis using stitches and also I put fibrin glue to the middle of the nerve graft. In addition, I take fat-derived stem cells from patients`abdominal fat tissue and put the also on both anastomosis. I hope that these technical changes will improve the results. I am going to do follow-up study, maybe during this or next year to see if the results have been improved. At least 2 patients have sent message because of very good result after this technique.
The same answer also to the second question. I really do not know, if the used intercostal nerev has been caused much pain. This will be asked also during the follow-up study.
I have used only intercostal nerve, so I can not say anything about the use of sural nerve
2番目の質問にも同じ答えがあります。 使用された肋間神経が多くの痛みを引き起こしたかどうか、私は本当に知りません。 これは、追跡調査中でも尋ねられるでしょう。
【Question 2】
What is the thickness(diameter: mm) of the excised part of the sympathetic trunk (for example, the blockage point of the nerve pathway between the T1 ganglion and the T2 ganglion)?
Also, the thickness of the graft when performing intercostal nerve transplantation, and the thickness of the graft when performing sural nerve transplantation?
Answer: I have not measured exactly the diameter of sympathetic nerve as well as intercostal nerve graft. I have seen that the proximal part of intercostal nerve, which I put to the anastomosis in the upper part match very well with sympathetic nerve. This is also in the case of distal anastomosis. About sural nerve I do not know this because I have not used sural nerve yet.
【Question 3】
I think that the nerve transmission function has already been restored in my chest area where the nerve was transplanted. However, neurotransmission in various parts of the shoulders, arms and head is still not sufficient and is slowly recovering. Recently, electric acupuncture on the shoulders and arms has been tremendously effective, and I still feel a strong change 20 years after the reversal surgery.
You can see the electric acupuncture in the video on this page.
I think two steps are needed to recover.
1) Recovery of nerve bypass performed on the chest
2) Restoration of nerve transmission of nerve cells that have been interrupted innumerably in the shoulders, arms, and head (I suspect that intermittent Wallerian degeneration is occurring.)
Do you have any idea on this?
Answers: Yes I think that both are needed. The first I have tried to do better by using stitches when securing the anastomosis and also put fibrin glue to the middle of the nerve graft so I think that the nerve graft can better grow to as normal as can. The second I try to improve by using stem cells taken from abdominal fat tissue, we know that mesenchymal cells from fat tissue can become to very many tissues, including nerve. In addition, I have told to eat multi vitamin B tablets 6-12 months to further improve the potential for nerve gowth.
I would like a reply as to whether it is okay to post your answers on my blog.
Answer: Yes, it is okay to post my answers to your blog
My opinion is that 6 months after the surgery electrical stimulation is recommended if the recovery is not going on as well as thought.
- 肋間神経の太さについて、私は 韓国のリバーサル手術の論文に掲載されていたイラスト からもっとずっと細いものかと思っていましたが、「交感神経と非常によく一致している」ということなので、良い話が聞けたように思います。
- リバーサル手術後の回復について、①胸部の神経移植を行った箇所の回復(バイパスによる再建)、②胸より上部(肩、腕、頭部)の神経伝達の回復、の2フェーズが必要という点について、同意が取れたように思います。
- ①のための技術は進歩していて、脂肪由来幹細胞を適用するなどの追加オプションが行われ、回復のより良い結果が出るようなアプローチが取られているようです。
- 電気鍼治療を行う場合は6カ月経ってからとのことで、それまでは強い刺激は与えずに移植箇所の神経成長の方を優先した方が良いということでしょうかね。。。マルチビタミンBの錠剤を勧めているあたりからもそんな気がしました。
- 私は今までにいろんなリハビリを行ってきました。ジョギング、プール、サウナなどで、それらを行ってきたことでも神経の移動を感じたり汗の回復を感じたりをしてきました。ただ、私はもうリバーサル手術を受けて20年を超えており、しんどい体調を抑え込みながらそこまでする気力ももうなくて、電気鍼治療での刺激に任せています。この手法もリハビリとして良いようなので、あとはこれに期待をして、引き続き治療を続けていこうと思います。