
About feeling a strong nerve flow at rest (Resting tremor?)

I still feel intense nerve flow recently.
I don't feel it during my activity, but feel intensely when I'm resting, such as when I'm sitting or lying down.

Though I don't know if I can tell the feeling of this terrible nerve flow, I took a video of hand tremor.

I took it in the kitchen, but you can hear TV sound in the living room...

My feeling of flowing nerves appears like this at my finger tips. Though I feel nerves flowing all over my upper body, what appear as movements are this hand tremor and occasional twitching of my temple.

I investigated about this tremor which has this involuntary rhythmic movement.

Types of tremor
  • Resting tremor:It happens when at rest.
  • Action tremor:It happens when  moving body, such as raising arms.
    • Intention tremor:It happens when intentionally take action.
    • Kinetic tremor:It happens only while moving.
    • Postural tremor:It happens when trying to maintain a constant posture.

In my case, my right hand trembles violently at rest, so I think it corresponds to resting tremor.

However, resting tremor is "mostly due to Parkinson's disease", and furthermore, Parkinson's disease is "certain areas of the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) slowly degenerates and progressive illness".

However, I don't think I have Parkinson's disease for the following reasons:
  • In the past, I had "resting tremor" in my left had in the process of recovering the left nerve in my chest, but now it has completely subsided.
  • Now I feel that the nerves on the right side are in the process of recovery, and I think that the right side will be probably cured.

Another cause of hand tremor seems to be "hyperthyroidism". There is thyroid gland in the throat which secretes hormones, and hyperthyroidism means it works excessively. This seems to have the following symptoms:
  • Increased heart rate and increased blood pressure
  • Palpitations due to arrhythmia
  • Massive sweating and hot body
  • Hand tremor
  • Nervousness and anxiety
  • Sleep disorders (insomnia)
  • Weight loss despite increased appetite
  • Increased activity level despite feeling tired and weak
  • Increased bowel movements (sometimes with diarrhea)
  • Changes in the menstrual cycle in women
Not all, but quite true. In particular, "anxiety" was quite intense for a while. ..

If I have hyperthyroidism, it seems that treatment with drugs is effective, but since various side effects are listed, I don't want to use it unless it is in a very bad situation.

In addition, I've checked many web sites, but I couldn't find any description of the "feeling of nerve flow" which I feel, from the explanation of the symptom of tremor.

In any case, it seems that "mild tremor does not require treatment", so at this point, I would like to keep an eye on it, hoping that it will eventually subside.

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