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Author: Soda
Title: Re: Report #1

Here is a brief report. It has almost been three weeks since I had surgery.

Feet: Back to pre ETS state, which is cold. My feet were burning hot and sweaty after ETS (very unpleasant). I am very happy about this change.
足先: ETS 前の状態に戻っていて、冷たいです。私の足は ETS の後、熱くそして汗ばむようになりました。(とても不快でした)。この変化についてはうれしいです。

I can not comment on changes in sweating, since I have been wearing sandals most of the time after surgery.

Legs: Fewer problems with sweating. No sweat through pants, yet.
脚: 汗の問題はほとんど残ってないです。ズボンを通じて出てくる汗もまだないです。

Groin: Sweat problem has not appeared. This area is now moist and feels OK.
股: 汗の問題は現れてないです。この場所は今も湿ってますが、それでも大丈夫です。

Hands: Moist between fingers. Otherwise hands are as before (dry).
手: 指の間に湿り気があります。だけど、手全体で言えば、以前のまま(乾いた状態)です。

Chest/Back: Still sweat much in certain "high-risk" situations, such as walking rapidly in a hot/sunny/humid environment for more than one hour.
胸・背中: 暑かったり、太陽の出ているところだったり、蒸していたり、といったところで早歩きをするとか、そういった汗の出る "リスクの非常に高い" 状況であれば、今だ大量の汗をかきます。

Still, the chest and back are drier now. I have noticed this in situations where I previously would sweat through a t-shirt. I used to sweat in the summer at home eating or watching TV. This has not happened post surgery, yet.

Head/Face: Dry. No sweat. No improvement.
頭・顔: 乾いてます。全く汗をかいていないです。改善なし。

Misc areas which dried up after ETS and are moist now:
Hollow of the knee.
Waist (front).
ETS の後乾いていたいろいろな場所で、今は湿るようになっています。

ここからいくつかSoda さんを応援するコメントが続きますがそこはスキップします。

Author: Soda
Title: Re: bump bump
Hi Alvin :D

Not much have changed in my condition since my last post. I only have a few observations to add.

Feet OK (in pre ETS condition)
足先: 良好(ETS 前の状態です)

Legs OK (no sweat through pants, yet)
脚: 良好(今のところズボンを通じて汗がでるまでにはなっていない)

Groin OK (this area was really bad before. It was expensive to buy new pants every now and then because they became worn out)
股: 良好(この場所は以前は本当にひどかった。ズボンはすぐくたくたになってしまってしょっちゅう買い替えていて高くついていました。)

Hands - OK
手のひら: 良好

Head/Face - No improvement.
頭・顔: 変化なし

Chest/Back - Minor improvements:
I still experience a lot of CS when I move about outside a hot/humid summer day. I have less CS on the chest compared to the back. Recently I have noticed that I sweat less on my left side (back and armpit). Another observation I have made is that the kick-off (start) areas for CS on the back and chest have moved upwards.
胸・背中: ちょっと変化がありました。

I did a test a week ago when I walked home from work 9 km (5.5 miles). It was 38c (102 Fahrenheit) and a tropical humidity. I sweated profusely from the back and chest (more on back). The other regions were ok. No sweat throughs.
私は1週間前、職場から 9km の距離を試しに歩いて家まで帰ってみました。外は 38℃で、熱帯のように暑く蒸していました。背中も胸も(胸は背中以上に)ものすごい量の汗をかきました。他の場所は大丈夫でした。汗がにじみ出たりはしなかったです。

Take care.


Author: PeterAUS
Title: Re: ETS reversal experience, maybe of interest to some
"Still, I am considering writing down three events which I have experienced so far after surgery. There is one nightmare moment, one "the most depressing so far" and one hopeful."
"手術を受けて以来、私が経験した3つのイベントを書き留めておこうと思います。一つは悪夢の瞬間、次は これまでにもっとも落ち込んだということ、そして、希望 です。"

Soda I gotta agree with Arch it does seem like your 'reversal' has provided some limited relief, which is better than none.
Soda さん、私は前に Archangel31 さんが書いたコメントと同意見です。あなたの受けたリバーサルは限られたある程度の安心しか得られないもののようですね。

Do you care to elaborate on the above you mentioned earlier?


Author: Soda
Title: Re: ETS reversal experience, maybe of interest to some

I decided not to write about those "events" because I felt that they served no purpose in a forum post. At the time they were big events to me. Today they are not. Anyways here they are. See below.
私はこれらの3つの "イベント" のことについて書かないことに決めました。というのは、このフォーラムへ投稿することが何の目的も果たさないと感じたからです。その時、私にとって大きなイベントでした。今ではもうないものです。とにかくここに書くので、下記を参照してください。

Diary (excerpts)
日記: 抜粋
June 13 (Tue): Surgery day. Walked from the hotel to the clinic (ten minute walk)......more text.........
6/13(火): 手術日。ホテルから病院まで歩いて行きました。(10分ほどでした。)。。。。いろいろ書きました。。。

June 14 (Wed): ...................more text..........
6/14(水): 。。。。いろいろと書きました。。。。

Hopeful: 希望
June 15 (Thur): +32C outside. I am sweaty in some places, as before surgery. Groin not so much sweat tough. Hopefully it stays that way.
6/15(木): 外は 32℃。手術前と同様にあちこちの場所で汗をかきました。股の部分はそれほどたくさんというほどじゃなかった。そのように留まっていけばと、希望を持って。。

Depressed: がっかり
June 15 (Thur): Depressed after a town visit where I walked around (+32C) and started to sweat on legs, chest and back.
6/15(木): (32℃の)街の中を散歩して、脚、胸、背中に汗をかきだした。がっかりした。

Feet cold though. Afternoon. I realized how much better I felt compared to the previous day. Post surgery recovery is coming along fine. Groin normal. Good.
Nightmare: 悪夢
June 16 (Fri): Three days after surgery. Severe sweat burst (chest and back) attack at hotel breakfast. Went up to room and changed t-shirt. This event is a real shocker to me, since I never have had this experience before (pre or post ETS). I was perfectly cool having breakfast and all of a sudden this! I know my ETS-body well enough to know to hear the alarm bells in time. Not now. I hope that this was a post surgery freak experience, if not I am worse off than before surgery. Keep thinking about this.
6/16(金): 手術をして3日経ちました。ホテルで朝食を食べていたら(胸と背中に)汗がどばっと出てきました。部屋に戻り、Tシャツを着替えました。このイベントは私には本当にショックだった。こんな経験をしたのはETSの前にも後にもないものだったからです。私は朝食を食べる間も涼しい状態に保っていたのですが、突然にやってきました。私は自分のETS後の体を十分に知っていて、(汗が出るための)警鐘が鳴っているのを時間内に判断する事ができます。今はそうではない。これが手術前よりも悪くなるものでないもので、術後に起きる特別な経験だったと思っています。これについて考え続けています。。。

June 17 (Sat): ...................more text..........


この内容のコメントは ETS And Reversals Discussion Forum で見かけた記事について⑥-1 のところにあります。

Author: avocawest
Title: Re: to soda
hi soda.
im a new member,and this is a new post.

i have three questions for you.

did the hotel breakfast incident reoccur after this one time?

can you inform me if you d had any pain in the chest post reversl pcdure?(any complications? no too much blood?)

did you need to take any medications after you got bck home after reversal? (pain killers, or any other medications)

Id like to know what should be expceted post-reversal, so if you can advise me, i would be very pleased.

Author: Soda
Title: Re: to soda
hi Avoca,
avocawest さん

1. the breakfast event has not appeared again.

2. after surgery I felt the entrance points on both sides of the chest. I had to rest and sleep on my back because of this.
The next day I could rest and sleep on my side. I did not have to take any painkillers. I talked about this with the other patient and he had a similiar experience.
They warn you of chest pain before the surgery. I would rather describe it as a pressure on the mid section.

3. I did not take any medications after.

Also, I experienced numbness to the chest, upper arms (back side) and arm pits after the surgery. This numbness took several weeks to disappear.

It is still lingering in one area (the right upper arm).

take care.




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