








改めて、私個人の考えとして、そもそもETS手術を受けることに対しては強く反対ですが、もし受けるとしても、多汗症専門医ではなく、日本胸腔鏡下交感神経遮断術研究会Webサイトのリンク集に書かれた病院 とか大学病院といった、過激な競争に巻き込まれていないすなわちETS手術だけじゃない所で受けることを、強く、強く、非常に強く勧めます。



リバーサル手術について書いた記事の一覧 に戻る



  • 脇の下の赤い×印周辺を「緩く」する必要があり、右腕を上げて脇を広げた姿勢でよく過ごしてます。それにより腕へ向かって流れる青の流れを感じるのですが、それと連動するように、こめかみやほおといった頭部でも、ぴくぴくと感じることがあります。
  • 背中側の緑の部分全面で、上から下に向かって「ざざざーっ」とさざ波のような流れを、ときどき感じてます。
  • 寝る時は右腕を座布団の上に載せて、楽な位置を探す必要があります。


本題なんですが、地域振興券の余りがあって、この 防已黄耆湯(ぼういおうぎとう)を買いました。
36錠で800円と先日Amazonでチェックしたよりもはるかに割高だったのですが(※詳しくは コチラ)、実質もらえたようなもんなので良しとします。



Changes in atmospheric pressure due to typhoons and their effects on the body

Typhoon No. 10 is coming to Japan now.

It is reported that it is a tremendous large typhoon, the entire area of Kyushu has entered a storm area, and it is expected to cause unprecedented damage.
Kanagawa prefecture where I live is quite far away. although heavy rain warnings have been issued, there seems to be no serious impact. However, it seems that the atmospheric pressure had dropped due to the influence of the typhoon, so I strongly feel the change to my body.
I was sweating even though in the cool air conditioning (for a short while), nerve flow and hand tremor are especially intense today, and just a while ago, only my left eye hurt and shed tears.

By the way, I investigated how the change in atmospheric pressure affects the sympathetic nerve, and it seems that it is as follows. (However, it depends on the site)
  • Atmospheric pressure drops → Internal pressure of the body increase → Organs and tissues in the body expand
  • Tissues such as lungs and blood vessels are affected, react as stress, and act on the autonomic nerves.
The effects on the body are not limited to this action on the autonomic nerves, for example, the expansion of tissues causes deterioration of blood flow and lymphatic flow, causing swelling and dullness, and the expansion of tissues of the inner ear upsets the sense of balance and causes dizziness, so it seems that various things are happening to each person.

By the way, I also feel that the nerve flow becomoes intense when I am immersed in the pool, and this is possibly the opposite of what is written above, that is, "a decrease in internal pressure of the body reacts as stress, and as a result, it acts on the autonomic nerves"

Unfortunately, however, I had no idea how to make it easier...

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My situation 18.5 years after undergoing ETS reversal surgery

It's hot every day.
It's the end of August, but the temperature in central Kanagawa has reached 35℃ today. but I've been in an air-conditioned room all the time, so I have no problems with that. the air conditioning is set to 26℃ and is comfortable.

Even so, the physical condition of sweating varies from day to day. The other day, the area around the front side of the thigh became hot and sweat oozes from the area, and today, the gentle sweat continued to ooze from chest and armpits. Even though I was in a room at 26℃ and was quiet... And there is a nerve flow from the armpit to the arm so as to work with them, and this flow still creates hand tremor. I feel that this "temporary modulation associated with nerve movement" is getting stronger. I'm a little worried that it's getting stronger, as it can lead to panic symptoms if it gets too intense.

This year, hyperosmia first occurs, and after it subsides, it becomes extremely drowsy during the day, and when it subsides, it causes low back pain, so various physical changes occur. Of course, I think that all of these symptoms were due to the recovery caused by connecting the sympathetic nerves in the ETS reversal surgery. Although I didn't have low back pain, I also experienced symptoms such as hyperosmia and drowsiness in the recovery process of the left side. However, in the recovery process of the left side, I have not summarized "what happened and what happened next" at all, so, though I am now in the recovery process of the right side, I have no idea if they are happening in the same order or what will happen to me next. However, I expect that I may suffer from panic symptoms for a while...

In other words, there is hope for more improvement and I am fully convinced of it, but the current situation is that it will take more time to do so.
It's been 18 and a half years since I had undergone reversal surgery, but it's a long and long way to go.

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  • 私がリバーサル手術を受けてからの経過報告
  • ETS手術について(交感神経の働きとか副作用の考察など)
  • リバーサル手術について(基本的にはフィンランド)
  • 多汗症とその対処方法について(新薬やイオントフォレーシスのこと)

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  • 気圧が下がる → 体内圧力が上がる → 体内の器官・組織が膨張する。
  • 肺や血管などの組織がその影響を受け、ストレスとして反応し、自律神経に作用する。

