
About the "feeling of nerve flow" that I feel after ETS reversal surgery #01

This article is a translation of an article written in June 2012.

It's been a week since the rainy season started.

I was at home today during the day, but the room temperature was over 29 degrees Celsius and I sweated from my back like a waterfall.
After I sweated like today, it will be continue for next few days that I feel nerve flowing intensely. It's been repeated for many years.
So I think that sweating like this is close to the sign that the nerve flow becomes stronger.

Since I made a blog, I'd write a little about the "feeling of nerve flow" that I feel.

The black horizontal line that extends from the throat to the left and right in the left figure is the clavicle and there are some ribs just below it. When I press the gap between its top rib and second rib (red point) with my finger, I can feel the nerve flow.

I've written on the bulletin board several times in the past that I often feel cracking inside my shoulder, and that place is the green and yellow area of the figure.
Especially about the green area, when I feel pain, it can be easier by pushing there with my left index finger as much as possible.

The part that I feel strongly that the nerve repeatedly connects and disconnects for the past 3-4 years is the blue part around my armpit.  I think that there is a part that interrupts the flow because the nerve tube is bent after it has withered once. If pressing from underarm-side outside of the blue area toward inside of the body using my left index and middle fingers, I can feel the nerve flowing from red to green to blue. (Maybe red → yellow → green. I can't say "the feeling" clearly because there are various parts that I feel strongly and other parts that I don't feel at all...)

So there is a feeling that it flows from the red area to the yellow area. When I feel the flow in this yellow area intensely, I sometimes feel the flow to my right palm, around behind my neck, and to my left arm through behind neck, and in addition, (although both left and right) I may feel the flow to my temples through neck.

And I feel the flow of nerves from various places that I can not understand well, such as going from the green area to the back, or from the blue area toward the left shoulder through the back, etc... A lot of things happend, such as when I felt the flow of the green area strongly, the area around my right thumb and forefinger was numb, and when the blue area, the area around from my right middle finger to little finger was numb. There were so many different feelings that I can't clearly explain what kind of structure and flow it really is.

However, I think that the part to have reconnected my nerves, when I took ets reversal surgery 10 and a half years ago, was around the red area. And I think that the nerve blocked is one of the root important nerves, among spreading all over the body.

That is, even if the transplanted area is already connected, the nerve flow to each node of the body has not yet been regained, because I feel like this.

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