
About the "feeling of nerve flow" that I feel after ETS reversal surgery #11

This article is a translation of an article written in March 2015.

It's March, and it became a little warmer.

I tend to get sick in seasonal changes every year, and this year is also the same, so I spent most of my stay at home weekend.

The nerves flowing to my right shoulder and both arms are much stronger, and I feel the flow like an hourglass.

Sometimes my shoulders are pulled.
Sometimes it flows in to the left hand.
Sometimes it flows into the tube in the right arm.
Sometimes I feel it flowing inside the head and scalp.

The part that was cracked in the shoulder sometimes feels lodged, but mostly flows smoothly.

Recovery of nerves connected by ETS excision with reversal surgery means that it isn't extending and reproducing little by little but there are hundreds or thousands of withered and bent parts and it will regain the flow one by one from small parts easy to connect.
The shoulder part where the thick tube has withered and bent can not easily recover the flow, but gradually will begin to flow smoothly with the help of the sympathetic violent flow when sweating, nervous or exercising.

Though I lay down at night yesterday, my nerves were so intense that I couldn't sleep until dawn.
Today, I felt that all the nerves below the chest on my abdomen flowed up.
And after taking a bath, a lot of sweat came out like a squirt.
The nerve flow is likely to become intense.

My hands were so dry today that it felt strange.
It's still the case now, but it's chapped, and it is like when I went up to the pool.

Now, 13 years and 2 months after ets reversal surgery, it takes a tremendous amount of time to recover even after taking a reversal surgery.

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